The Ten Omnipotent Mahavidyas: An Introduction

The Ten Omnipotent Mahavidyas: An Introduction

Mahavidyas have been the dream of all sadhakas, as they are the key to ultimate divinity i.e. Bramhatva. These mahavidyas are the 10 forms (commonly known in this age, wheras actually there are 54 mentioned in the tantras) in which the Goddess resides and She creates, preserves and destroys.

Adi Shakti is Omnipresent. These ten forms of Her are not her incarnations but the forms taken by Her at different times to carry out certain tasks, according to the need of the hour. Hence, these Mahavidyas are complete in themselves. Therefore, having mastered even one of them gives all the siddhis and moksha to the sadhaka.

The most famous examples are Ramakrishna who did the upasana of Mahakali and Vama Khepa who was a worshipper of Tara.

The sadhanas of these mahavidyas is done for material gains as well as spiritual upliftment. They also help in kundalini awakening of the sadhaka.

Two mahavidyas each rule 1 tattva amongst the 5 tattvas.
They rule one planet each in the navagraha system.
Hence it is very important for one to analyze the kundali/birthchart before you start any Mahavidya sadhana so as to know which is the one you should attempt in order to get the highest accomplishment.
Attempting to do a Mahavidya sadhana of a deity who is not suitable for you will prove disastrous sooner or later. This is why having a Siddha Guru is so important in all Shakti sadhanas.

Every Mahavidya has her own Ganapati and Bhairav. If their sadhana is done before the Mahavidya then the problems occurring during sadhana of the main Mahavidya are removed and one gets siddhi faster. Before starting any Mahavidya sadhana one must have a guru compulsorily and the sadhaka must do 1 Guru Mantra Purascharana for blessings and siddhi.

The Ten Mahavidyas are :

1) Mahakali :- The Divine Mother, the Ultimate, with no end and no beginning who resides as the darkness before creation and after creation.

2) Tara :- When the Supreme Soul or Parabrahman decides to manifest with His Maya, there’s a blooming of the Maya beej and Light emanates from it. This primordial light is Tara.

3) Shodashi :- Once life is given or Prana is infused into all the beings in Creation, it needs to be shaped and given form which is done by Shodashi ( the Ultimate One in Shodashi kram or Shri Vidya).

4) Bhuvaneshwari :- After manifestation i.e. after Shrishti kriya is done, the One who maintains (sanchalana) all the three worlds or Bhuvanas and runs them under Her Will is Bhuvaneshwari.

5)Tripur Bhairavi :- After Creation and Maintenance, in order for new things to come forth or to amend older things that already existed, some things have to removed or recycled i.e. day to day destruction or Nitya Pralay. This operation is handled by Tripur Bhairavi.

6) Chinnamasta :- After the smooth running of the world (samsara) and completing it’s cycle, it needs to be concluded towards the end of its Age and destroyed in order to make way for a total new and fresh start and this Dissolution is done by Chinnamasta.

7) Bagalamukhi :- Now the main structure of the Universe i.e. creation, sustenance and destruction, is all in place. But as we know, with good comes evil.
Evil is part and parcel of Creation and when it starts opposing the work of creation and maintenance, it needs to be brought under check and shut down. This work is done by Bagalamukhi.

8) Dhoomavati :-Some times evil increases disproportionately with the forces of the good, so a stronger force is needed to tackle it. The fiery, destructive and ruthless rage is born from this Force, which only knows to destroy in any form. This represents Dhoomavati. She destroys one’s external as well as internal enemies to help one reach better position.

9) Matangi :- After annihilating the evil forces from the world, the world remains stagnant and boring with no hope, feelings, emotions, arts etc. Life becomes dull and drab. Matangi is the flavor of life who makes the life colorful. She is the Spring that comes after Autumn and the harsh winter.

10) Kamala :- In order to sustain all these things one needs resoures, power and strength i.e. manifestation as per one’s will or iccha shakti and this is done by Kamala. Hence She is Sri–the Goddess of Wealth and Prosperity.

Among the Three Gunas–

Bhuvaneshwari is Trigunatmika.

Mahakali, Baglamukhi and Kamala represent Satva guna.

Tripur sundari, Matangi and Tripur Bhairavi represent Rajas guna.

Tara, Chinnamasta and Dhoomavati represent Tamas guna.

Among the Navagrahas–

Mahakali- Ruling planet is Saturn
Tara- Ruling planet is Jupiter
Shodashi- Ruling planet is Mercury
Bhuvaneshwari- Ruling planet is Moon
Tripur Bhairavi- Ruling planet is Lagna or Ascendant
Chinnamasta- Ruling planet is Rahu
Baglamukhi- Ruling planet is Mars
Dhoomavati- Ruling planet is Ketu
Matangi- Ruling planet is Sun
Kamala- Ruling planet is venus

Dashavatar Relations: It is said in the Devi Bhagvat puran that in the previous mahayug, Devi took the ten avatars.

Mahakali- Krishna
Tara- Rama
Shodashi- Matsya
Bhuvaneshwari- Vaaman
Tripur Bhairavi- Kalki
Chinnamasta- Narasimha
Baglamukhi- Kurma
Dhoomavati- Varaha
Matangi- Parshuram
Kamala- Buddha

Each Mahavidya has her own Bhairav:

Mahakali- Mahakal Bhairav
Tara- Akshobhya Bhairav
Shodashi- Laliteshwar Bhairav
Bhuvaneshwari- Mahadev Bhairav
Bhairavi-Batuk Bhairav
Chinnamasta- Vikraal Bhairav
Baglamukhi- Mrityunjay Bhairav
Dhoomavati- Aghor Bhairav
Matangi- Matang Bhairav
Kamala- Narayan Bhairav

Each Mahavidya has her own Ganapati:

Mahakali- Gananatha Ganapati
Tara- Ucchishta Ganapati
Shodashi- Mahaganapati
Bhuvaneshwari- Pushtipati Ganapati
Tripur Bhairavi- Sharada Ganapati
Chinnamasta- Durmukha Ganapati
Dhumavati- Dhumra Ganapati
Bagalamukhi- Haridra Ganapati
Matangi- Mohinishwar Ganapati
Kamla- Laxmi Vallabha Ganapati

Sadhanatmak details or prayogas of these will be discussed some other time.

🌺🙏Namo Bhagavati🙏🌺source FB

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